Kelsey is 4 months she extremely loves her brothers she's still having separation anxiety loves to be with Mom all the time other people not so much she tolerates them in the morning but towards the end of the day only wants mom.
SLEEP! wise she is doing okay she fluctuates between sleeping well only waking up once and then waking up several times a night.
FOOD! She's eating breastfeeding exclusively rarely gets a bottle but she'll take it if she needs to she's eating every 3 hours during the day, we started her on avocado, eggs, & peanut butter per her pediatrician's recommendation she loved all of them and had no problems digesting or anything! She extremely likes avocado so I give it to her usually daily at dinner time which I think is helping her sleep longer at night. If I get make eggs in the morning she usually eats that too I tried giving her pears she like them but she got really gassy and I gave her carrots and sweet potatoes and she like those as well.
PLAY! She learned how to roll from front to back and recently just began rolling back to front she's very strong and you can tell if she wants to be moving. She's not quite sitting on her own yet mostly because she wants to stand all the time. She is so strong she jumped out if her bumbo chair.
She still hates being in the car most the time so if she's hungry or has a dirty diaper but if she can see Caiden or Connor she laughs and likes to look at them and it makes it more enjoyable.