Monday, April 25, 2016

4 months

Kelsey is 4 months she extremely loves her brothers she's still having separation anxiety loves to be with Mom all the time other people not so much she tolerates them in the morning but towards the end of the day only wants mom.

SLEEP! wise she is doing okay she fluctuates between sleeping well only waking up once and then waking up several times a night.

FOOD! She's eating  breastfeeding exclusively  rarely gets a bottle but she'll take it if she needs to  she's eating every 3 hours during the day, we started her on avocado, eggs, & peanut butter per her pediatrician's recommendation she loved all of them and had no problems digesting or anything! She extremely likes avocado so I give it to her usually daily at dinner time which I think is helping her sleep longer at night. If I get make eggs in the morning she usually eats that too I tried giving her pears she like them but she got really gassy and I gave her carrots and sweet potatoes and she like those as well.

PLAY! She learned how to roll from front to back and recently just began rolling back to front she's very strong and you can tell if she wants to be moving. She's not quite sitting on her own yet mostly because she wants to stand all the time. She is so strong she jumped out if her bumbo chair.

She still hates being in the car most the time so if she's hungry or has a dirty diaper but if she can see Caiden or Connor she laughs and likes to look at them and it makes it more enjoyable.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

New weight loss goals

OK Kelsey is 4 months I'm not waiting a year like I did with the boys. I'm sick of my clothes not fitting well. I am stuck in a crappy eating cycle, I need to get exercising again I know that. So I am going to start with one simple goal to begin with.

Exercise every weekend at least once for an hour. If I miss my favorite Zumba class then I HAVE to either go for a run or another class later that day or on sunday. Then as she gets older I can ad in 2 classes a week until I am able to leave her in the fit kare 3x a week.
I am going to do couch25k again.

I need to stop using Kelsey as an excuse not to go. Dan is more than capable of watching her for an hour once a weekend.

Start weight: 209
Goal weight: 174

My weight loss goals:
5lbs lost: float tank
10 lbs lost: pedicure
15: lost:  hair colored
20: lost: new workout clothes
25: new swim suit
30: new shoes
35: watercolor tattoo!

Saturday, March 5, 2016

3 months old

Kelsey is 3 months!

She has hit some milestones. Slept 7.5 hours vday, and now 8 hours last night !


She still absolutely hates being in the car.

Still eating every 2 hours during the day and 8pm loves going to bed, wakes up at 2 to eat then again at 6 then up for the day at 8am.

She is 13lbs and 24 inches tall. Wearing some 3 month but mostly 6 month clothes. 

She loves standing and rocking in your lap. She loves listening to Connor sing to her. She loves listening to papa tell her crazy stories and sing nursery songs. She loves listen to caiden read her stories. She loves the burp rag that hangs over her crib rail she talks to it every morning.. lol and she loves swimming!

Thursday, March 3, 2016

2 months old

Kelsey is 2 months old and the size of a .. jk

She is 23 inches and 11 lbs 11 oz. I just can't believe how fast she is growing. It is certainly much easier to feed her now.

She is eating every 2 hours during the day and every 4 at night. Sometimes more. She will typically do a long stretch in the beginning of the night 4 or 5 hours then another 3-4 hour stretch after that then eats at 6 then wakes up at 7 or 8 fir the morning. She likes to sit in the kitchen in her mamaroo and poop then she will play for an hour then it's naptime. She will sleep for an hour then the rest of tge day is the same, eat, sleep play, eat.. till 8pm then she eats on both sides and goes to bed for the night.

She really is enjoying her brothers, she likes to watch them and hear them talk to her. She has started to reply. Sighs and goos and coos.

She is a very happy baby for the most part and now that we have a schedule down I put her down in her bed for nap before she is upset she falls asleep on her own.

Kelsey got to go on her first flight! We flew to San Diego for the weekend and took the kids to Legoland! She did amazing on the flights and besides having a little cold she slept decently and really didn't get too thrown off by the time difference. She got to go on 1 ride (a water boat ride through fairy book land) at the park and then the following day she got to dip her toes in the ocean. It was really windy so we didn't take her swimming in the pool but she loves water so I bet she would have loved it.  She was very happy girl the whole trip and her and her brothers had the best vacation ever. They all did so good I am do lucky to have such well behaved children!

Monday, January 4, 2016

One month old

Kelsey is one month old today! She is so sweet! I love having a tiny baby again they are so cute and cuddly. Having a girl is so funny. Definitely way more fun to dress and shop for.

Eating: she is kind of in a transition right now but she is eating every 2 hours during the day on one side. Every 4-3 hours at night. She has a bottle of bm at 8-9 pm 4oz and sleeps 4 hours then wakes up 2 more times to eat on one side before waking up at 8 or 9 am.

Growth: she has outgrown mostly all of her newborn clothes and diapers. Super sad packing them up already especially since I don't know if we will ever have another kid in them. 

She will focus on our faces and recognizes our voices. She particularly pipes up for her brothers voices lol. She has smiles for mom. 

Play: during her wakeful hours she enjoys watching the ceiling fan, her brothers play and her ocean machine. She is content to lay and watch things in the morning for about an hour and then again at night for an hour with snippets in between. She loves to nap in front of the fireplace.( under close supervision  of course)

Sleep Routine: she seems to love routine so far and has adapted very smoothly to her crib. She loves sleeping in there with her ocean sounds and humidifier projector going. We give the kids a bath then jammies. Dad will give her a bottle while I get boys to bed then pump. He swaddles her and tucks her in. We usually read stories in her room all together but she is busy eating and settling down so we are reading stories in the boys room till she is older.