Tuesday, April 3, 2012


After months of thinking, I finally decided to start my very own blog. Why now? That is a good question and honestly I dont have an answer for you. Apparently, I have too much time on my hands and wanted to add another thing I need to do in my daily list of crap I find myself doing when I should be cleaning or taking a well deserved nap. LOL

Another reason why is I spend alot of time making things and I want to share them with people other than bombarding my facebook friends. If I had a specific place to unload my crafts and food pictures into and then when people go to my site, they kinda have to know what they are getting into.

I have been journaling two babysites for both the kiddos and now I am thinking I will just combined them on here as well, save myself the time. I will probably keep the babysites up for future use to look back at and update their growth charts in there as well..

Well I hope you enjoy reading my spelling errors and typos and all the other jarrgon that I pile into a blog post each week! Trust me, I know myself I am 8 years out of high school, and dont get much practice these days with grammar. I am only half joking..

1 comment:

  1. Awesome... Looking forward to hearing about all of your upcoming talents, and new stuff you come up with in crafts, sewing and yummy foods you find.
    Spreading your energy, your love for your family and love of life, Nick would be so Proud of you. NO, Nick is Proud of YOU!
    Love you MOM
