Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cloth Diaper Report Month 4

How many diapers a day used? 4-6

How many wipes? 1-2

What brand/ style fit best? Softbums/ AI2 ECHO still and Mud Butts AI2

Were you able to reuse your AI2 shells during the same day? If so how many times? Yes about 1-2x
What fit problems did you have? None
What was the print/ color you grabbed the most? Softbums nuclear pumpkin, then Mud Butt Elephant walk print AI2

What type of insert/ soakers worked the best? Mud butt ai2 soakers for overnight, softbums dry touch opods day
The worst? None
Did you have any blowouts?
What was your washing schedule like? Regular wash in hot/ cold cycle 2x rinse, sun dry the stained shells and soakers, machine dry the rest. Air dry most shells, unless i need one right away, washing once a week.

Love it or hate it? Love changing his diapers so he can wear the next cute color or print. Hate how some of his cloths don't fit, or show off his cute fluff. I decided I need to but more clothes to match his diapers.
Things you learned?
I have enough diapers I don't need to wash as often as I had been.

Some fit pictures

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